Being a Mentor

The Need

In our divorce-prone society, 20% of all first marriages are disrupted by either separation or divorce in the first five years. After ten years 33% of all first marriages are disrupted by either separation or divorce. We need to provide support for marriages in these critical early years and at other transition points as well.

From research we know each transition to a new stage of marriage presents challenges for a couple’s relationship. Mentoring before or during that entry into a new stage is an opportunity to provide an ounce of prevention that is worth a pound of cure.


  • Newly married
  • First child
  • Career changes
  • Children entering school
  • Teenagers
  • Empty nest

To Be A Marriage Mentor…

  • You do not have to be an expert…simply be willing to share your experiences.
  • Share your stories of married life with a younger couple.
  • Be a mentor couple to a younger couple.
  • Help them strengthen their marriage and reap benefits for yours.


Is there a couple in your life that you look to as a positive role model for a healthy marriage? Many of us have such a couple. By their lives and behavior they have encouraged us to be better husbands and wives. Some have spoken to us and led us intentionally. Others, simply by their example, demonstrate love, respect and joy in their marriage.

Start an exciting program of marriage mentoring. The concept is simple: share the stories of your married life in encouraging ways. Engage in twelve guided conversations over dinner, dessert, or snacks once a month. Would you like to bless a younger couple with your support and encouragement? Become a mentor couple.

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